Tuesday, June 01, 2010

i have a pen that i can't work out how to open

maybe i should take a picture of it and see if anyone can help me. clicking the top makes it talk like napolean dynamite. there are no twisty bits, or parts to click in or out, and i cannot for the life of me see how to get the pen part to come out it's shell for it to write. any guesses greatly appreciated and rewarded by a steaking of highstack into a stars tournament where he has to comically abuse the opponents on every occasion where he beats them in a hand.

i meant to play tonight but forgot. my aim of becoming +ve on every level on ptr took a step closer earlier when i won money at 2/4 combined with them not tracking a bunch of losing hands. sadly, a few poor sessions put me back in the red there for now....

and without further ado, here's the month's graph:

follow much reader feedback i've decided to include some more crazy swedish photos.
here are some of the icebar from the icehotel in lapland:

just in case you weren't sure whether it was ok to smoke in a building made of ice

and a view from inside. they cheat by using reindeer rugs everywhere so it's only 99% ice

if you're bored of those here's a picture from a seemingly standard underground station over there.

and if you weren't bored of icehotel photos let me know, i have a few of the rooms too....

also gonna see my boss tomorrow to check i have officially entered to the world of the jobless. except i'll still have stuff to do, it won't be as hectic as it is now and it'll allow me time to write things up that i've needed to for a while....


Yakshi said...

$8k month. Holy shi-ite Muslim. To my microstakes mind, that's freaking amazing. Nice job!

I hope I can get there someday.

Highstack said...

Pens are so 20th Century

Mudwig said...

yak - you can. and if i could put in your volume i'd be a tenthousandaire by now.

piestack, at first i thought that was an insult, but i recall you can't work a computer and likely still write by carving shapes into stone tablets so it's probably a compliment. thanks :)

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