Friday, May 04, 2012

friday blogs i like

well, it's not just on friday i like them, but other times they update too

my previous attempt at returning dead blogs to the land of the living went 0/2 after an initial 100% success rate, so i'll be boring this week and just mention some blogs i like.

alexwentpro. and not just because she's hot (ok, mostly because she's hot, and posts the pics too).

rubbish (as above, but replace he for she)

i've just realised it's a bit of a weird thing to do (since the list on the right hand side is for that very function) so will in future either mention blogs i don't already have listed down the right hands side, mention specific posts that were magnificent or highlight new additions to the bogroll.

todays post is under a cloud of discontent as my attempts to get up as my alarm rings was thwarted by waiting close to an hour before getting up. in my defence i did go out last night and play the pokers. it was pretty dull and i almost fell asleep at the table. luckily the air conditioning was on in full force so that kept me awake. it also made me shiver so that every time i played a hand my hands would shake and i think they thought i had the nuts. needless to say that didnt stop them calling me with shit!

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