i can't remember where i first heard the word hootenanny but imagine my surprise at finding out it's a real word!
today i have come to the conclusion that too many people write rubbish on the internet and other people love it. there's lots of quotes that are utter nonsense which the adoring fans of quote makers lap up. Joe Lycett created a twitter hashtag for such nonsense. it was #bullshitquotesijustmadeup and his only rule was you had to make it up in less than 3 seconds. I've noticed everyone now is just reversing the order of a quote to make it seem deep e.g. it's not the days in your life but the life in your days
i've never even heard anyone say it's the days in your life that matter
i too can make up comparable rubbish in less than 3 seconds.
"it's not the drops in the ocean but the oceans in your drop that matters"
"what counts is not the words that you use but your use of the words"
etc etc
today i was cycling to work, and on the other side of the not too wide road a lorry was parked. a lorry was trying to overtake it but had to wait for a gap in traffic on the opposite side of the road in order to get passed. the man in the car behind this lorry was absolutely aghast at such an occurrence and decided to hoot his horn.
according to the highway code you hoot your horn to alert other people to your presence. not because your angry, or to alert others to that fact that you're a dickhead. This dickhead decided to hoot non stop for about 90 seconds. because a lorry was trying to get passed a parked vehicle.
last year a colleague of mine asked me what's the best piece of advice. i said easy its this:
everything is a choice
you can't choose what happens to you, but you can choose how to react. at first i was annoyed but this loud unnecessary hooting, but after a few seconds i just started laughing because it's just so unnecessary it's funny.
the worst thing about getting old and having the sweetest tooth of all time is getting fat. I need to start eating and exercising again properly. like all good regimes, mine starts tomorrow.
Stupid Person
4 years ago