Thursday, March 31, 2022

day 4

Day 4 is brought to you by a low level virus.

I feel ill most evenings at the moment. A high temp, flu-like lethargy etc Apparently some viruses cause this behaviour. The immune system is a bit weaker at night so the body fights more readily against infection, and this causes my symptoms to be present only in the evening

I am otherwise practicising diligence, and trying to do one thing per day for book writing. I need to sort out the layout next. And then in a couple of weeks when i have time off work, im going to just write up the whole book. 

The lack of spellcheck on the blog spot editor is unforgivable, Apologies for any typos. I've forgotten how to spell since spellchecks became ubiquitous.


Today, in couples therapy, I had to teach my therapist the first of the 7 habits. You are responsible for your choices. She said she makes dinner for her family even when she doesn't want to. I explained, that she wanted to do it more than she didn't want to do it. And it was her choice, she didn't have to. And that when she accepts it's her choice, she won't feel any resentment. And she can at any point in the future change her mind and stop making it. 

Luckily she agreed. 

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