Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Day 3

I have started looking for a new job. My boss just does not like me. They have never said one good thing that I do. All our conversations are centered around her complaining about things I haven't done. Often things which are not part of my job (and she acknowledges aren't part of my job). 

Today, I had my weekly 1:1 with her, and at one point she told me to calm down! For having the temerity to disagree with her. Then she told me I was being condesceding! Simply for defending myself and pointing out where she was wrong. I am not prepared to train her on how to behave properly.

I was worried about leaving as I've created a team I really like. Only today I found out one of them is resigning! That actually gave me so much relief I immediately called my favourite recruiters so I can get another job asap. I'm tempted to hand in my notice even without having another job!

I was talking to a friend a couple of nights ago how people's communications skills have deteriorated during the pandemic and how everyone has become more defensive. I defintely see that in my boss. I would guess it comes from a place of insecurity, but I can't be sure. I can be sure I don't care.

I like how much more centered I am. This mostly comes from the 7 habits. I've started noting a few other things I do which I need to do less of. I am not adventurous. Even taking a route home that I'm not familiar with is not something I do naturally and have to encourage myself to do. Even when asked if i didn't plan it in my head, my reflex is to say no. I want to change that somewhat.

Therapy wise, i'm still focussed on not holding my wife to any standards other than herself. This has reduced frustration I feel, and I don't take her moods as personally. I am pleased about this. 

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